The internet is a big place, like a really big place. 300 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube EVERY MINUTE, there are over 800,000 podcasts in existence, and who knows how many books and email newsletters are out there.
(p.s. If you're wondering, because I definitely was, if 300 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube every minute, then that is 49.31 YEARS of video every day.)
Which content sources are you supposed to pay attention to if you are currently running a Shopify business that is making money and growing quickly? How can you sort through this noise and find the real honest helpful info? How do you find the tactics that aren't for beginners just starting out, but for experts in the trenches?
Don't worry! I've got your back. I went to my trusty Shopify expert friends on Twitter and together we compiled a list of 24 podcasts, newsletters and books that every Shopify operator should be paying attention to.
I learned a lot from this discussion and I think you will find these sources of content really valuable. (If you have any to add here, please let me know by tweeting at me - @MattPRD)
1. Retail Brew Email Newsletter
Created by Halie LeSavage (@halie_lesavage), Retail Brew has your industry trends, product news, logistics (and more). Recommended by Nik Sharma (@mrsharma) and Val Geisler (@lovevalgeisler).

2. The Commerce Lab Podcast
Hosted by Allen Burt (@allenburt) and Blue Stout, The Commerce Lab Podcast has merchant interviews, and discussions of anything from 6-figure tax savings for brand owners to how to increase average order value using cross-selling. Recommended by Jessica Meher (@jessicameher) and TJ Mapes (@tjmapes).
3. Churnbuster Email Newsletter
Created by Kristen LaFrance (@kdlafrance) and Churnbuster, the Churnbuster email newsletter promising to not be boring ("This ain't your grandma's newsletter"). Kristen interviews merchants like MeUndies and Kopari Beauty, breaks down email and conversion strategies, and includes "Terrible puns, awkward metaphors, and a few too many dog pictures.".
And yes, it does include Kristen's infamous brand and email teardowns. See the amazing email teardown of Bombas here.
Recommended by Jessica Meher (@jessicameher).
4. Playing For Keeps Podcast
Also created by Kristen LaFrance and Churnbuster, the Playing For Keeps podcast focuses on interviews with fast growing ecommerce brands that offer subscription products. Find interviews with companies like MANSCAPED, Form Nutrition, Oui the People, and more. Recommended by Kristen LaFrance (@kdlafrance).
5. The Ecommerce Playbook Podcast
Created by Common Thread Collective (a digital sales agency for ecom), The Ecommerce Playbook podcast is a brutally honest podcast. Take this quote as an example "We currently have $112,000 in the bank. I’ve got $300,000 in outstanding liabilities between credit card bills and AP. I’ve got a $70,000 a month payroll, plus rent, and a few other little things that I have to be able to hit.". If you want to know the real story behind other fast growing ecommerce brands, this podcast is a must listen. Recommended by Aaron Orendorff (@AaronOrendorff).
6. Really Good Email Newsletter
If you are doing marketing for a Shopify brand you have probably been to It is a collection of emails from top brands so that you can get inspired for how to design your own customer automations. Their newsletter takes their in-depth email knowledge and delivers it to your inbox on a regular basis. Recommended by Val Geisler (@lovevalgeisler).

7. Ecommerce Fuel Podcast
Ecommerce Fuel is a private community for 7-figure store owners, and they have a podcast where their members talk about their businesses. Do I really need to say anything more? This podcast is full of insights you can't get anywhere else. Recommended by BEX (@lemndrizzlcake).
8. Unofficial Shopify Podcast
Hosted by Kurt Elster (@KurtInc), the Unofficial Shopify Podcast has over 1,000,000 downloads and focuses on helping entrepreneurs make realistic profitable businesses by competing with big brands. Recommended by BEX (@lemndrizzlcake).
9. Practical Ecommerce Newsletter
Founded by Kerry and Joy Murdock, Practical Ecommerce has regular insights into new technology releases, major moves in ecommerce, and industry analysis. Bonus: This Practical Ecommerce podcast by Eric Bandholz, founder of Beardbrand, is unbelievably good. Recommended by BEX (@lemndrizzlcake).
10. Ecommerce Influence Podcast
Hosted by Austin Brawner (@a_brawn) and Andrew Foxwell (@andrewfoxwell), Ecommerce Influence podcast focuses on advanced acquisition and retention strategies for fast-growing online brands. Both of the hosts have worked with over 250 brands on growth and this experience shines throughout their hundreds of episodes. Recommended by Kurt Elster (@kurtinc), Emily Hogoboom (@emily_hogoboom), and BEX (@lemndrizzlcake).
11. Ecom Crew Podcast
Hosted by Mike and Dave (an ecommerce guru duo), the Ecom Crew podcast covers topics from how to increase your authority in your niche to inventory management. They create a ton of great content outside of their podcast and both of them have an incredible amount of experience building and selling ecommerce businesses for millions of dollars. Recommended by BEX (@lemndrizzlcake).
12. Default Podcast
Hosted by Keir Whitaker (@keirwhitaker) and Kieran Masterton (@kieranmasterton), the Default podcast is for professionals working at the forefront of the Shopify ecosystem. They focus on insights from agency owners, app developers, and Shopify team members. Recommended by Kurt Elster (@kurtinc).
13. The Next Level Facebook Ads Podcast
Hosted by Phil Graham (@philgrahambiz), The Next Level Facebook Ads podcast focuses on the intricate and ever changing world of Facebook ads. Everything from new ad types, objective strategies, advanced tools, and more. Recommended by TJ Mapes (@tjmapes).
14. Business Wars Podcast
Business Wars by Wondery gives you the unauthorized, real story of what drives companies and their leaders, inventors, investors and executives to new heights — or to ruin. Recommended by TJ Mapes (@tjmapes).
15. 2pm Newsletter
Founded by Web Smith (@web), 2pm is the leading newsletter that covers the intersection of media and commerce.
If you aren't subscribed to the 2pm newsletter yet, you probably should be. This is an industry go-to to gain an unparalleled understanding of new developments in media, data, brand, data science, and eCommerce.
16. Lean Luxe Newsletter
Founded by Paul Munford, Lean Luxe is your go-to newsletter on the modern brands space. Lean Luxe delivers news, interviews, insights, and commentary exclusively through the newsletter.
Whether you work with, own, invest in, or support today’s brands, this newsletter will keep you up to date.
17. DTC Growth
DTC Growth by #paid is a podcast that interviews founders and leaders at some of the most exciting DTC brands in the world. They discuss their vision, how they launched, and how they are growing their brand. Interviewing everyone from Lindsay McCormick, Founder and CEO of Bite Toothpaste, to Nik Sharma, who has helped build the Cha Cha Matcha and Hint brands. Recommended by Nik Sharma (@mrsharma).
18. Honest Ecommerce
Hosted by Chase Clymer (@ChaseClymer), Honest Ecommerce is a weekly podcast for ecommerce brand owners that provides honest, actionable advice to increase revenue. If you're looking to take your online store to the next level, this is the podcast to listen to.
19. Wavebreak Podcast
Wavebreak is a postcast made for Shopify entrepreneurs who want to scale their business. Every week Dylan Kelley, founder and host of Wavebreak, interviews the minds behind the world's top ecommerce stores and gets them to share their secrets. Recommended by TJ Mapes (@tjmapes).
20. Future Commerce
Hosted by Phillip Jackson (@PhilWinkle) and Brian Lange (@BrianLange) Future Commerce is the leading podcast for founders and operators who 'aren't looking for the next conversion rate optimization tip or how to implement a playbook'. It's for those who want to dive deeper into the commerce world, learn how top brands think, and where the commerce industry is headed.
21. Multichannel Merchant Newsletter
It’s no secret that keeping up with the demands of today’s customer is becoming increasingly more challenging. Multichannel Merchant covers the entire scope of what happens behind the purchase: from customer experience, operations, and fulfillment, to shipping and delivery. This is all sent directly to your inbox!
22. Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk
Chase Alderton (@chasealderton) of ReCharge recommends the book Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk. Chase says it's great for getting in the minds of merchants and a look into a company during a time of growth.
23. This is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn to See
Another recommended book by @DebMecca is This Is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn to See by Seth Godin (@ThisIsSethsBlog). Godin offers the core of his marketing wisdom in one compact, accessible, timeless package. This is Marketing shows you how to do work you're proud of, whether you're a tech startup founder, a small business owner, or part of a large corporation.
24. Atomic Habits
Val Geiser (@lovevalgeiser) recommends reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. Val says that it's not a business or commerce book but it is if you think about how we want our customers to build habits around our brands, especially if you’re running subscription.
It came highly recommended by other commerce industry leaders.
+1. So good
— Kelly Vaughn 🐞 (@kvlly) February 28, 2020
Let us know what you think!
Did you subscribe, listen to, or read one of these amazing resources for anyone in ecommerce? Did I miss any you love? Let me know on Twitter (@MattPRD)!