A Deep Dive into Nustrips' Quiz Marketing Strategy

Discover how Nustrips leverages quiz marketing to boost sales and gather valuable customer data. Learn tips for optimizing your own DTC product recommendation quiz.

Gen Furukawa
April 12, 2024

Are you curious how a vitamin company like Nustrips uses an online quiz to boost sales and gather valuable customer data?

In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at Nustrips' quiz marketing approach.

By analyzing their quiz setup, recommendations flow, and potential areas for optimization, we hope to provide actionable insights for other DTC brands looking to leverage quizzes in their own marketing.

Nustrips offers an innovative way to get your daily vitamins - dissolvable strips that you place on your tongue.

They currently have four product lines targeting sleep, energy, beauty, and a combination bundle. To help guide customers to the right products for their needs, Nustrips has implemented a short online quiz.

Let's dive in and see how Nustrips utilizes their product recommender quiz.

You can watch this video to see how the quiz ties in with the user experience on the website: 

Background on Nustrips

Nustrips is a unique player in the vitamin and supplement industry, offering a novel delivery method for getting your daily nutritional boost. 

nustrips home

Instead of traditional pills or gummies, Nustrips has developed dissolvable strips that you place on your tongue, providing an easy and efficient way to absorb vitamins into your bloodstream.

Currently, Nustrips offers four targeted product lines:

  1. Sleep strips: Designed to help you get a good night's rest
  2. Energy strips: Formulated to give you a natural energy boost
  3. Beauty strips: Created to support healthy hair, skin, and nails
  4. A combination bundle: Includes strips from all three categories to provide a well-rounded daily vitamin regimen

One of the key selling points for Nustrips is the improved user experience compared to other vitamin form factors.

The strips are fast-acting, with the nutrients potentially reaching your bloodstream within minutes.

They also offer an appealing taste (like Kaffir lime in the Beauty strips) and convenient single-serve packaging.

To introduce this innovative product to potential customers, Nustrips has invested in educational content on their website. This includes video testimonials, a comparison of Nustrips to pills and gummies, and a quick overview of the strip technology.

Alongside this informational content, Nustrips has implemented a short quiz to help guide users to the right product selection for their individual needs and goals.

By answering a few simple questions, customers can receive personalized strip recommendations and gain the confidence to make a purchase.

This is going to be a cornerstone of their marketing strategy, to capture leads, improve conversion rate (by simplifying the product selection), and capture zero party data--data points like what challenges the customers are experiencing and what Nustrip product is most applicable to that challenge. 

Analyzing the Nustrips Quiz Flow

Let's go through the Nustrips quiz step-by-step to see how it guides users toward personalized product recommendations.

The quiz is introduced by a nutrition coach and Nustrips partner, adding a layer of credibility and personal connection right from the start. The first question asks about gender, which likely plays a significant role in determining the most appropriate vitamin formulations.

From there, the quiz proceeds with a series of targeted questions:

  • Do you feel a lack of energy?

nustrips - challenges

  • Do you have a fixed sleep cycle?
    challenges - sleep
  • Do you drink a lot of coffee or energy drinks?
    nustrips - energy
  • Do you feel confident in your physical appearance?
    nustrips - physical challenges

These questions align with Nustrips' core product offerings and help steer the user towards the strips that best address their specific concerns and lifestyle factors.

After answering the questions, the user is prompted to enter their email to view their recommendations.

nustrips - opt in

Here, Nustrips combines the quiz with a lead generation tactic, allowing them to follow up with personalized offers and content.

Upon submitting their email, the user is presented with a dynamic screen showing their quiz results are being generated.

nustrips - recommendation page

This page also displays customer testimonials and key product benefits, like a 15% discount, free shipping, and free returns. By addressing potential objections upfront, Nustrips can increase the likelihood of a purchase.

The final recommendation page showcases the suggested Nustrips routine based on the user's quiz responses. In this example, the quiz recommended the Energy strips to fight away the mid-day crash, improve energy and get caffeine, L-Theanine, and Vitamin B12. 

While the quiz flow is generally smooth and user-friendly, there are a few areas where the experience could be enhanced. In the next section, we'll explore potential optimizations to drive even better results.

The Post-Quiz Email Flow

By requiring an email address to receive the quiz results, NuStrips collects valuable zero-party data (information proactively shared by the customer) that can be used for targeted marketing and product development.

The emails are tailored to the customer's quiz results, featuring the specific products recommended to them based on their needs and preferences.

Moreover, the quiz uses the Custom Properties collected from the quiz (via the Octane AI integration with Klaviyo) to create targeted email segments based on customers' specific concerns, such as sleep issues or skin and hair problems. This allows for more relevant and effective email marketing.

Let's take a look at the specific emails in the Post-Quiz Flow: 

Email #1: Post-Quiz Email

The first email in the post-quiz flow is sent immediately after the quiz is completed.

It includes the customer's personalized product recommendations and a clear call-to-action (CTA) to visit the product page and make a purchase.

Here is the email that I got from my quiz: 

nustrips - email 1

The email is branded with NuStrips' colors and features engaging copy that congratulates the customer on taking the first step towards a better version of themselves.

This reinforces the brand's mission and creates a positive emotional connection with the customer.

By sending the post-quiz email immediately, NuStrips capitalizes on the customer's interest and engagement while their experience with the quiz is still fresh in their mind.

Email #2: Special Offer

The second email in the flow is sent as a follow-up to the post-quiz email.

It serves as a reminder of the customer's personalized product recommendations and includes a special discount offer to incentivize a purchase.

In NuStrips' case, the special discount offer is a 20% off coupon, which is an increase from the initial 15% off offered in the quiz results.

This increased discount helps create a sense of urgency and added value for the customer.

nustrips email 2
To further personalize the experience, the email can includes my name and specific product recommendations based on their quiz responses.

Email #3: Last Chance Discount

The final email in the flow is the "Last Chance" email, which is sent 7 days after the special discount offer email.

This email creates a strong sense of urgency by informing the customer that their discount code is about to expire.

To sweeten the deal even further, NuStrips increases the discount to 25% off in the last chance email.

This incremental increase in the discount amount is an effective way to encourage customers who may have been on the fence about making a purchase.

nustrips email 3
The email content is concise, with a clear Call To Action and specifics on the benefits and social proof of the offer.

The prominent CTA button directs me to the product page to complete my purchase.
By using this three-part email flow strategy, NuStrips can effectively nurture leads generated from the quiz and guide them towards a purchase.

The increasing discount amounts and sense of urgency created by the special offer and last chance emails are powerful motivators for customers to take action.

Key Takeaways

In this deep dive into Nustrips' quiz marketing strategy, we've uncovered several valuable insights that any DTC brand can apply to their own quiz efforts. Let's recap the main points:

  1. Quizzes are a powerful tool for personalization and lead generation. By asking targeted questions, brands can guide users to the most relevant products for their needs and capture valuable zero-party data in the process.
  2. The user experience should be seamless and engaging. From the moment someone starts the quiz to the final recommendation page, the flow should be intuitive, visually appealing, and focused on the user's goals.
  3. Visibility and promotion are key. To maximize quiz engagement, brands should prominently feature the quiz on their website and leverage paid advertising to drive targeted traffic.
  4. Email follow-up is essential. By segmenting quiz takers based on their responses and crafting personalized email journeys, brands can nurture leads and increase conversions over time.
  5. There's always room for optimization. From testing different quiz questions to optimizing the recommendation page, brands should continuously analyze quiz performance and look for opportunities to improve.

By keeping these takeaways in mind, DTC brands can create quiz marketing strategies that not only educate and engage customers but also drive real business results. Whether you're just starting out with quizzes or looking to optimize an existing campaign, experimentation and iteration are key to success.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long should a product recommendation quiz be? 
    Aim for a quiz that takes no more than 2-3 minutes to complete. This typically means including 5-10 targeted questions that help identify the user's key needs and preferences.
  2. What types of questions work best in a product quiz?
    Focus on questions that relate directly to your product offerings and the benefits they provide. For example, if you sell skincare products, ask about the user's skin type, primary concerns (aging, acne, dryness, etc.), and current skincare routine.
  3. How can I increase quiz completion rates?
    Keep the quiz short and engaging, with a clear value proposition upfront. Use a progress bar to show users how close they are to completion, and consider offering an incentive (like a discount code) for finishing the quiz.
  4. What should I include on the quiz recommendation page?
    Display the user's personalized product recommendations along with key benefits, social proof, and a clear call-to-action to add items to their cart or learn more. You may also want to include an upsell or cross-sell opportunity.
  5. How often should I update my quiz?
    Review your quiz performance regularly (at least every 3-6 months) to identify areas for improvement. Update questions based on new product offerings, customer feedback, or changes in your target audience's needs and preferences.

By addressing these common questions and keeping the key takeaways in mind, you'll be well on your way to creating a high-performing quiz marketing strategy that drives results for your DTC brand.

Want to test a quiz for your own Shopify product? Book a demo with the Octane AI team today to learn more. 

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